Better Coffee, Better Year: Making a Fresh Start in 2023

Better Coffee, Better Year: Making a Fresh Start in 2023

by Lauren Chamberlain | December 27, 2022

As 2022 draws to a close (lol what!), I can't help but completely ignore everything that just happened and look bright-eyed toward the future, my new resolutions, and putting together plans to accomplish them.

As I've gotten older, I've learned that the best way to stick to a resolution is not to acheive it as fast as possible (so tempting), but to go step by step, start small and work up. That makes it easier to start something and stick with it. Plus, you're still supporting roasters by buying their freshly roasted coffee through our online coffee subscription.

Take coffee for example. One great resolution for 2023 is to "drink better coffee".

Simple and easy right? But when you think about what drinking better coffee can actually lead to, you'll be surprised to see how much it will positively impact your other goals. Not sure how coffee can do all that? Here are four ways you can use it to accomplish more in 2023:

#1 Upgrading to better coffee makes your morning ritual better

I know I've touched on this a little, but since it's technically step one - it's important. If it's something that you make every morning, and have to have why not make it the best there is? It's a little thing but having great coffee on hand makes a big difference in starting your day on the right note.

Before I was a Trade employee, I was a Trade subscriber and when my first bags starting coming in from California, New York, Austin, even Floyd, Virginia, I was floored with how excited I was to brew and how great the coffee tasted because it was roasted fresh to order. It totally re-energized my mornings and continues to over two years later.

#2 Upgrading to better coffee makes your wellness goals easier

Now stay with me here. I'm not diving into the whole coffee as pre-workout thing…but…no. Maybe though. Anyway, if you've got larger wellness goals this year, I'm with you, and I'm using my coffee to help in three ways:

  1. A good cup of coffee gets me out of bed and out on a run, my wellness/exercise habit of choice. Whether I brew for an extra caffeine boost before the run or use it to reward myself after a good workout, coffee and my wellness goals are now linked forever. And this goes for all fitness, mindfulness, and meditation practices. It's a great motivator.

  2. It's so good, I'll drink it black. No milk and sugar crashes for this lady. We believe everyone should drink coffee exactly the way they like it, but if you're curious about black coffee there's no better place to fall in love with it.

  3. Decaf! Trade has the best assortment of decaf coffees in the country, nay, world. And having a bag of delicious decaf on hand for the afternoons gives me my coffee fix without messing up my sleep.

#3 Upgrading to better coffee will actually save you more money

I don't know about you all, but I like to save money. Love it even. By brewing at home instead of buying coffee out from a large chain like St*rbucks, I've saved hundreds of dollars - and I enjoy my coffee more! Plus, you're still supporting roasters by buying their freshly roasted coffee. That's a money-saving, coffee-tasting win-win. At large chains, the quality is not there, the freshness is a joke, but the costs are head-scratchingly high.

__Plus, like I keep saying, it becomes such a meaningful ritual to make coffee at home and at Trade it's easy to make it your own. __

Of course, I still visit my favorite local cafés for a cappucchino here and there. If you ever get a chance to visit our roasters, you absolutely should.

#4 Upgrading to better coffee supports local businesses and their communities

This one is not about you or me at all, but it is about the people who make better coffee possible. From the farmers on the other side of the world to the roasters across the country, every cup of coffee you get from Trade is extremely traceable and gives back to the people making it. You support paying ethical wages, sustainable growing practices, the livelihoods of the roasters, and so much more, all with something you love to drink.

Who knew such little beans could do so much?

Cheers to a incredible year of sticking to resolutions and to better coffee for all!

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