Staff Picks: Summer Fruit

Staff Picks: Summer Fruit

by Philip Wood | July 21, 2020

We love discovering new coffees at home as much as you do! So, we’re letting you in on Team Trade’s current favorites with our weekly series, Staff Picks.

If you’re craving fresh fruit flavors for summer like our Coffee Guide Philip, we’ve got just the coffees for you. For this week’s Staff Picks, he lets us in on (a few of) his seasonal favorites.

“I often tell people that choosing a favorite coffee feels like asking a parent to pick just one child. Perhaps overdramatic, but there are so many outstanding coffees deserving attention. For my Staff Picks, I’m sharing the ones I’ve been enjoying most right now. These coffees remind me of fresh fruit in the peak of summer, while still having enough body to round everything out.”

Onyx Ethiopia Worka

"The first coffee I had that really woke me up to the world of specialty coffee was a washed Ethiopian coffee that tasted like blueberries. This delicious coffee from Onyx takes me back to that wonderful moment. It’s really something special!"

Onyx Ethiopia Worka ($21.50)

blueprint community

This naturally processed coffee would fall into the category of coffees that I call a “fruit basket,” and the fact that it’s from the still emerging growing region of Uganda makes it even more exciting! But what I love most about it is that the wild tropical fruit acidity still has some notes of cocoa on the finish, and enough body and mouthfeel to keep everything balanced.

Blueprint Gamatui Community ($20.50)

orens costa rica

"The Costa Rica La Minita from Oren’s is a wonderfully smooth cup when brewed hot, but right now I prefer it even more as a cold brew. Full of chocolaty goodness with notes of honey and stone fruit at the finish, this is a cold brew I could drink all day."

Oren’s Costa Rica La Minita ($15.99)

Irving Farm highline

"This blend from Irving Farm is one I'd love to drink every day, and is a great 'gateway coffee' for introducing friends to more exciting flavors. It has all of the familiar flavors of a classic morning cup, but sneaks in some dense fruit sweetness and acidity to round it out."

Irving Farm Highline Blend ($14.75)

madcap decaf

"To be honest, until a few months ago I had written off the possibility of finding an exceptional decaf coffee that I really loved. This single origin decaf from Madcap proved me dead wrong. It has tons of fruity sweetness and complexity, and is just one of the exceptional sugar cane processed decafs our roasters offer."

Madcap Las Serranias Decaf ($18)

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