The Exclusive Coffee You Can Only Find at Trade

The Exclusive Coffee You Can Only Find at Trade

by Team Trade | May 03, 2019

Introducing: our inaugural Trade Exclusive Coffee

Here at Trade, I’m in a very fortunate position to be working with the country’s best roasters, tasting their amazing coffees and telling their stories. I’m often moved by the level of intention and care that goes into every single coffee, and love being able to share that with our customers. Every so often, excellence and story intersect into an overall experience that deserves even more attention.

A few months ago we featured Shelby Williamson, the Head Roaster at Huckleberry Roasters in Denver, Colorado. I had the pleasure of meeting Shelby last year when I traveled to Colorado for Coffee Fest Denver, and to say she’s enthusiastic about quality is an extreme understatement. Shelby let us tag along for a day in the life of a roaster and she dropped this gem, “Roasting isn’t the most glamorous job, though on Instagram it looks like we stop just short of coffee deities.”

I’m very excited for the opportunity to announce our very first Trade Exclusive Coffee: Huckleberry’s Burundi Gitwe.

Huckleberry Burundi Gitwe ($21.50)

The Long Miles Coffee Project can be found on one of Gitwe’s slopes, and they were instrumental in sourcing the coffee for Huckleberry. By having people on the ground in Burundi, they are able to witness firsthand how difficult it can be for farmers to grow their coffee and crops. This is where the idea of transparency along the supply chain is most crucial, in being able to tell the story for you and give a holistic picture of where your coffee comes from.

Burundi is a small country in East Africa, roughly the size of Maryland. Ranked one of the world’s poorest, Burundi benefits greatly from coffee production, which has an enormous impact on the people who live there — providing funds for schooling, infrastructure, livestock, and home repairs. Gitwe, where this coffee is sourced, is located in the northern Kayanza province. Farmers here work collectively to solve problems that climate change has dealt them, like creating irrigation channels to collect intense rains that threaten to wash the nutrient-rich soil from the crops that need them to survive.

We Now Interrupt This Story

Under the expertise of the current United States Roaster Champion, we tell the story of Gitwe in every sip you take. Trade is honored to be a part of this exclusive partnership and bring 500 limited-edition bags to you.

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